Pharmaceutical Malpractice Attorneys
Serving Canadian County, Oklahoma
It is the job of pharmaceutical companies nationwide to ensure that the drugs they release for ingestion are safe and that the potential side effects are clearly stated. There are times, unfortunately, when this responsibility is neglected and defective prescription drugs end up in an unsuspecting patient's medicine cabinet. If you or a loved one are a victim of ingesting said dangerous drugs you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries.
At The Handley Law Center, it is our job to aggressively pursue the pharmaceutical company responsible for your injury and thoroughly investigate the case. ingesting these defective drugs can result in serious injury or in many cases can be fatal.
Hold the Responsible
Party Accountable
Let's Get Started
Everyone Needs a Good Lawyer
When a pharmaceutical company fails to protect its patients from these drug malfunctions, it should be held liable for the injuries caused. If you or a loved one has suffered from pharmaceutical negligence, contact us to speak with one of our attorneys and schedule your free consultation. Call us during normal business hours to schedule an appointment. The Handley Law Center maintains offices in Oklahoma City and El Reno, Oklahoma.